Sunday, February 3, 2013

I Apologize

I Apologize by Bradley Booth


Okay, first off I want to say that I love the cover and by the blurb thought this book was right up my alley, but sadly I could not get into this book. The back-story was not clear, the characters situations we, at times, unbelievable. The plot was promising, but did not go anywhere it seems. This book left me wanting more, and unfortunately, I did not get it.


From Goodreads


These are indeed troubling times for entrepreneur Tony Richardson. After years of living an insipid and orderly life on Long Island, the events that led to the tragic death of his fiancee return with resounding fury, starting, oddly enough, when he consents to dine in the company of the beguiling, intrusive Christina Jaloqua. When Christina declares her love, Tony is overwhelmed by fear that his world will be torn apart again. Unwilling to admit that his attitude is because of is growing affection for her, Tony devises a plan to liberate himself from Christina's intrusiveness and return his small, methodical world to order. Tony finds out that logic serves no purpose in affairs of the heart; Christina's elaborate ruse engulfs him in an unplanned marriage and an unwanted pregnancy. Now, locked in a labyrinth of fear, Tony struggles to escape the winding corridors filled with ghastly images from the past.

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