Stranded with a Billionaire by Jessica Clare
This review contains slight spoilers

Stranded with a Billionaire is the first book in the new series Billionaire Boys Club. So, all my followers (lol) know that I am a sucker for a good series and I tend to read them just because. I also want all the good books that I read to become a series because I want to know what happened next and I do not want the story to end. Sorry Susie I can’t help it, you know I love a good series. This is the case with this book/series.
This book is an awesome start and if the rest of this upcoming contemporary series is half as good, sign me up! I devoured this book in one sitting. Yes, I read it at work in between patients and yes, I put in my headphones and let my Kindle read it to me driving home (Blue’s Clues in the DVD players for the boys).
This book was divided into three parts to me; it’s like having three books in one. Some people might not like this, but to me it was very enjoyable. This first part of this book starts out on with a secrete society of hot, rich men; Hunter Buchanan real-estate tycoon, Jonathan Lyons thrill seeker, Cade Archer philanthropist, Reese Durham playboy, Griffin Verdi English aristocrat/professor, and Logan Hawkings billionaire businessman and leader of the group. After introducing all these hot men, the author had me hook, line, and sinker (this book could have sucked and I would have still read it cover to cover after reading the bio on all these men!).
After Hunter tells Logan about a fail proof real estate investment Logan travels to Seaturtle Cay, Bahamas where he purchases a hotel. Bronte Dawson is on a vacation from hell that she won from a radio station at above said hotel. After listening to her coworker complain and having an unexpected hurricane evacuation, Bronte finds herself stuck in an elevator with Logan while the hurricane is wreaking havoc on the outside. After getting out of the elevator half naked Bronte finds herself leaning on Logan for help during this disaster. I am not going to get too spoilerish on this particular part, but let’s just say they get real comfortable stranded on this deserted island.
The second part of the book for me was when they get rescued from the island (thanks to Jonathan) and go their separate ways back to the real world. Logan finds himself missing Bronte and hires a PI to locate her (so romantic). He finds her and sweeps her off her feet and into his penthouse in New York. They attempt a relationship that goes array.
The final part to this story is when they find each other again and have their happily every after (or not so much) I will not go into details, but you need to read this book.
I actually went to to check out the second book because I want to read it now! The second installment does not come out until July and it will be a preorder for me. I can not wait to see how the author will write the rest of this series, but from the hints that she gives toward the end of this book the premise for the next book is just as good if not better. I will definitely check out the other books under this author’s pen name and also her other books written as Jill Myles as well.
On another note the cover stinks, it should have at least a hot guy. This would have been a 5 star review, but the cover blew it for me. I had to deduct 1/2 star for the lame cover. 4 ½
stars for this one.
Once Upon A Billionaire
Billionaire Boys Club # 4
The only other book that I have read in this series is the first book, but I loved it so much I had to continue reading this series. After reading this book I can honestly say that I love this series. The books contain great characters that have off the chart chemistry. The follow through with the plot is amazing. Some series have good blurbs and the books suck, not the case with this one. The world Claire creates sucks you in and before you know it you are swept up in the world of the billionaire bachelors.